This walk in north-west Kent is entirely rural, traversing fields, woods and valleys in London’s ‘Green Belt’. It passes Charles Darwin’s home, Down House (EH)
- Rendez-vous : 9:25 Charing Cross train station (devant le ticket office).
- 9:36 Charing Cross– 10:20 Balcombe
- Billets : Travel card zones 1-6
- Retour : trains à 12 et 42 min de chaque heure.
Déjeuner : Pique-nique ou pub.
The Blacksmith’s Arms , Cudham Lane South. Cudham, TN14 7QB (01959 572678). Food served noon -3.00pm. Located 9.5km from the start of the walk, this is the suggested lunch stop.
The Queens Head , High Street, Downe, BR6 7US (01689 852145). Food served noon – 3.30pm. Located 7 km from the start of the walk.
The George & Dragon , High Street, Downe, BR6 7UT (01689 889030). Food served noon – 4.00pm. Located 7 km from the start of the walk.
Arthur’s Coffee Shop & Restaurant Coolings Nurseries, Rushmore Hill, TN14 7NN (01959 532269) / . Food served 10am – 4.30pm. Possible tea stop, located 2.5km from the end of the walk.
The Rose and Crown Otford Lane, Halstead, TN14 7EA (01959 533120) Possible tea stop – 500 metres off route – located 2km from the end of the walk.
Suggestion : prévoir des snacks/sandwiches au cas où les pubs ne seraient pas en mesure de nous accueillir.
Terrain : sentier, herbe et boue
Distance : 16km environ
Difficulté : 4/10
Coucher du soleil : 19h18
Saturday Walkers Club: -
Directions à imprimer: -
Fichier KML à utiliser avec l’app MapsMe (recommandé): -
Contact : Olivier Bertin 07941557060
A noter : Les randonnées de French Walks & Sunday Roasts sont réservées aux personnes majeures. Les itinéraires sont disponibles sur le site du “Saturday Walkers Club”. Chaque participant engage sa propre responsabilité (notamment en cas d’accident).